Wednesday, May 7, 2008

5-7-08 Coming Back?

Since yesterday I'm not happy with the stings and dings in my back....I'm afraid after 4 1/2 months, the Epidural Treatment is wearing off....I will keep a stiff upper lip, knowing what needs to be done if it is indeed the return of the spinal stenois.


FHB said...

Dude, yer over here too? Friggin' retired bastards with shit loads of time piss me off.

One day I too will be chillin', pillin', and swillin', maybe not in that order.

david mcmahon said...

Lucky you're not here in cold Melbourne - or maybe if you were we could have gone to the football and then to dinner on Lygon Street - your back would have been cured!

Harry J said...

Pat,must have been something in the water over there in Nam, I also have that bad back and last month I received my first epidural shot, worked so well no others were needed at least not yet.