Friday, November 7, 2008


Sheet! It's been almost 2 months since I posted on this "off" journal. Anyhow, I survived football season, so much so, I have decided at 59 years + 8 months to get my basketball license to go for the "hat trick" of high school, football, and now round ball....first game is a girls JV scrimmage up in Columbus Grove next Thursday night.

Since returning from a Michigan fishing trip, I have kicked down the beer drinking a few notches, and the blood pressure shows...120/69 this afternoon...with a pulse at 73.

The back has been good, until yesterday...a hard two hours of tearing down vines and ivy on the old dog kennel has put the back on alert to "slow down"....I can feel it, and don't like the feel. Will lay off the weights and lifting work and see what shakes out over the weekend.

back later........hopefully not another 8 weeks, but as long as I can move well, no complaints means few posts.

Drop by the regular blog if you wish @

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