Friday, November 22, 2013

Another Dreary Day on Brandon Avenue....AKA Obama Care in Action?

Wife came home for lunch, something now that she is retired from St Henry Schools, and working part time(29 hours per week) at Celina's West Elementary, just 3 blocks from the house...she tells me that there is a dead opossum in the street on Brandon Avenue.  I reply "Big Deal, those suckers are everywhere"  Without thinking much about it, I walked out in the backyard to drop something in the compost neighbor Adrian, yells at me through the wooden fence that surrounds my place..."Hey Pat, there is a dead possum in the street:..."Yep", I reply, "Patricia told me"..."But yea," he replies, "This one has a ballon tied to it's tail"....."Well Hell", I think, "I need to get a photo of this"

Somebody in my neighborhood has a twisted sense of humor, but funny....I wonder if this guy died waiting on Obama Care....after all the Kenyan Idiot and those in charge are signing up dogs, why not this guy?

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